Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Love is a gift that happens everywhere. It is given by God. Santiago finds his love in the desert, Fatima. They fall in love but Santiago goes on to his journey to find his treasure. After Santiago finds his treasure, he goes back to where Fatima is waiting and they live happily ever after.As I said that love happens everywhere, in the history, there were love too. In 1736, Maria Theresia and Franz Stefan got married. It was unusal to get married with the person you fell in love with. Franz had to give up all his place Lorraine when he decided to marrie Maria, but there life was always a wonderful thing. They had 16 children, 5 boys and 11 girls. Even after Franz had died, Maria never took off her mourning for 15 years until she was going to die.Even its now or the past, love will never be ruined. It will go on and on. In the novel it says that 'sometimes love has to wait and you must go and see it through on your own to be happy with the person you fell in love with for the rest of your life, because if you give up your journey, he will always regret about that and make your lover sad by leaving her alone and go on to your journey again.' This was a good leson for me to think about is love more serious then your journey. The answer I got was that it is good to go on and find your treausre, and destiny, but sometimes you need to priority love. Thats what I beleive.

Love is a potion that happens in the desert.

Dressed in a nice silk dress,

When the wind blows, the lips will touch his lips.

Maria Skrebtsova
Vally of Love

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