Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lights and Shadows that are shown

Vermeer is a very famous painter by the lights and the shadows that he make. As you can see in the painting, the light is very realistic. It looks like that the sun is really shining on to the characters. The light is coming from the left side, and it tells us that it is in the morning. The story that is told in this picture is that, there is a lady that is playing her interment then she gets interrupted by her maid, and gets a letter. She goes "Whats this?"
She gets a letter in the morning, so it is telling that the letter is a good news and not a bad news. The lights and shadow that he makes can tell what is going to happen, is it a good or bad news, and when the time is.
You can tell that this is a Renaissance picture because, the painting that is shown is using oil painting, and the cloths that they are wearing is not what we wear today.

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