In my first essay "The Alchemist", I didn't do a good job because most of my sentences don't make sense. and I don't have good ideas and contents. I didn't get the message that the author wanted to to tell the readers, so my essay was written about things that don't make sense. Comparing to my firs essay, my second essay, "Julius Caesar" makes much more sense. My ideas are explained on the essay and I think I have some good ideas and content. It was harder for me to write the Alchemist essay because it had been only 2 months since I started to learn English again, but the Julius Caesar essay was easier for me because it had been almost a year since I am going to ISKL. I could improve my skills more by reading the book many times and to know a lot more vocabularies and writing skills so that I can write more interesting contents.
I think that I could have done my organization much more better. Even though I improved my writing skills comparing the Alchemist and Julius Caesar, some of my quotes and explanation still doesn't make sense and make a connection. I started both of my essays with a quote to make the readers want to explore my essay. All of the quotes have a connection to what I wanted to say, and I think they all have an important message to say to the readers. I think my topic sentence is OK, but my concluding sentence is not good. I wrote the same thing that I wrote in my body paragraph so my essay end the way it should. I can't summarize my ideas the way I want to. I write them in different pieces so the readers cannot understand. I can improve my skills by writing a lot of essays in my life, and be able to say my thoughts more often in my humanities class.
I was able to write more quickly in the Julius Caesar essay than the Alchemist essay, and I was able to write sentences that makes sense. In my Alchemist essay, I got a lot of help and a lot of correcting with my vocabularies and sentences, but in the Julius Caesar essay my ESL teacher said that i have improved my writing skills and have much more good vocabularies to use, and I think so too.
The SLR that I think fits the most is communicate effectively. I went to ask a lot of questions to my ESL teacher and got a lot of help. For me, communicate effectively was really important in the essay section. I would like to read a lot of English books and try to get the message the author wants to tell the readers, and I would like to make my essays better and better each time I write one.